4 Variations on a Night Theme

2020 - 2021 ■  Var. IV, Coda:  How to take a night road
10' 03"  4K Panorama Video

How to take a night road is a panorama video that I attempt to join images to form a path. The presentation of the photo is dotted and fragmented because the experience of taking pictures is linear. This prompted me to rethink how spaces can be depicted in photographs more thoroughly. Is there a more effective format for presenting the photographed space than a photo book?

Additionally, this section reflects my practice of the walk as a linear narrative. I referred to the common musical developmental structure and arranged these components symbolically according to openness-closure and the amount of information. As soon as we emerge from the tunnel, we can see a distant tree illuminated by a street lamp in our route. This is an indication of security following a passage through a small area like the tunnel.

Var. III Project